Juice & Journal


On the page

M- Mull over (Choose a Theme from Nothing)

Mull over an actionable commitment towards something of value like a lifelong goal or a pursuit that drives you to seek success. Think of this space of ‘Nothing’ as the birthplace of ideas. The blank page is a place to return often with an open mind and free flowing train of thoughts.

A- Attempt (Create and Compose Something)

Attempt tiny steps towards your goal that could possibly leave you feeling fulfilled and challenged at the same time. This is where little ‘Somethings’ start to appear waiting to be tested, play around here and start to create something. Think of this as composing in pencil where it’s not final yet.

K- Kinship (Collaborate and Color in the gaps with Anything)

Kinship with the invisible, collaborate with it, tap into this well spring of ‘Anything’ is possible. Learn the basics or building blocks of skills that could assist you towards your goal. Seek guidance from peers and mentors. Counsel with your nightly dreams or day dream freely. This should feel supportive. We’ve all experienced time bending decisive action in flow, this is where you start to color in the gaps through gathered wisdom.

E- Exchange (Count and Treasure Everything)

Exchange your treasure. As a pay it forward share ‘Everything’ that you think can be of benefit for everyone. When we share ideas with each other, we either solidify what we already know from a different angle or clarify by filling in missing gaps. Feel appreciation for all that you have and keep a track of it. Count your blessings. Thank your gifts.

Slow Flow & Holds


On the mat

M- Mindful breaths (Open and Reorient within)

Begin with a few deep breaths and set your intention for the class.

O- Orderly sequence (iFlow to my own Rhythm)

Flow through a few rounds of sun salutations or any other sequence of choice to warm up the body and find your flow through natural movement, move your spine in different directions, circle your joints, do any movement that to wake up the body. Make sure to sense into the movement with a ‘felt’ awareness.

V- Visit a pose in detail (Hold for full body Relaxed focus)

Align a chosen posture to your unique structure by finding a points of balance or stillness within it. Use your internal sense of ease to measure alignment.

E- Easily rest into support around you (weLean to Reengage with the present)

Use the floor to rest into or do a bit of gentle partner yoga to close.

Beditate 101


At the edge of rest

M- Mindfully ride the wave of sleep (Hypnagogic drowsiness)

Remaining relaxed and aware of the space behind your eyes. Gently watch the colours appear and disappear. Sense into the felt sensations of this space. Be open to images forming here or even fully body experiences. Adopt a curious approach to this ever present channel/ stream of inspiration and information of seeming chaos.

U- Uninterrupted rest (Deep sleep)

Eventually allow your natural urge for rest to take over and fall asleep. Aim for 6 to 8 hours here, or whatever your sleep schedule is.

S- Sweet dreams (REM)

On awakening keep your eyes closed and remain still while contemplating on the dream you just had and what it might mean to you personally. Write it down. Tell someone about it.

E- Effortless rise awake (Hypnapompic dream interpretation)

Before bolting out of bed, take a guess at what the dream could mean, sometimes there’s a message there or sometimes its just nothing. We get to choose what it means and how we interpret it.

Time Capsules


In solitude and company

M- Mundane wholeness (Frame your Values and visions)

Think of all the labels you identify with; introvert, extrovert, ambivert, homebody, vagabond etc etc etc. The alloy of all these labels make up the whole of you. This is how you show up in the world. Think of what you value, what are your hopes, where have you been this far, what you like to do in your free time. Befriend your seemingly inner contrasts. be open to the concept of identifying with different things at different seasons through your life. Over time this may just help with cultivating a sense of feeling ‘at home’ no matter where we find ourselves.

E- Engage in simple routines that pack a punch (In betweens/ Nurture through Nature)

Engage in the passage of time through routines and rituals. You naturally have a preference for how you ‘pass’ time. Look into the different cultures and lifestyles, like slow living, hygge, ayurveda, blue zones, minimalism, engaging with life actively or even popular films like the ghibli movies where the characters embody a way of being that is so natural. Examine your own culture, learn about another one, find what you’re already doing that works and do more of it.

E- Enertain joy (Lighten up/ Hydroponics of Humor)

Just like plants thrive in ideal conditions, so do we. But in less than ideal conditions, a little bit of experimentation and creativity goes a long way. Cultivate joy in your life in tiny ways at first and embrace the ‘new age’ conditions around you. Listen to music, play an instrument, crack a joke, paint, explore your neighbourhood, travel somewhere, have a heartfelt conversation, dance like noones watching, play a game etc. Look for things that makes your heart sing. Make some meaningful memories doing things you love.

T- Toast with another (Meaningful connections/ Karma of Kindness)

Invite a person or pet to join you and share your space and time with them.