*For a seamless experience choose English (in which the text was written in). For a hilarious mistranslation choose Hindi or Italian. Thanks!

Unwind and Find Your Flow at the Ink Shop

Pour yourself a beverage of choice, grab some color pencils and make some art with these 'Done For You' Printables.
Rabbit Fly
Pattern Bug
Terrarium Flamingo

Self Paced Wholesome Wellness For a Fast Moving Fragmented World

Bite sized chunks for busy people. Learn the building blocks and generalised frameworks to craft your personal practices. 

Mindful Creativity (M.A.K.E)

Embodied Movement & Stillness (M.O.V.E)

Soulful Rest & Inspiration (M.U.S.E)

Heartfelt Moments & Lifestyle (M.E.E.T)

Read more    >

Life is a dream production presents

(Your ticket to Yoga for the mind body soul heart
VOID if you search for answers outside yourself
Curiosity is a must)
Q1. What creative project can you commit to bring to life for the mutual benefit of all?
Q2. When can you pause during your day for a movement and stillness break?
Q3. How can you ensure that you rest well and wake up inspired?
Q4. Which nurturing activities can you indulge in alone and with others?

Join Me Along My Wanderings Where all Roads Lead To 'Home'

Choose Your Own Adventures
Technicolor Reality | Juxtaposed Dreams